Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mary the mother of Jesus?

Spencer Halford

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Rainbow 4

Spencer Halford

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Rainbow 3

Spencer Halford

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Rainbow 2

Spencer Halford

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Spencer Halford

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We've got a pickle eater...

Spencer Halford

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Garden Pictures

Green beans, sugar snap peas and sweet peas

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Garden Pictures

So my new hobby for the summer has been gardening, or as i like to call it: farming. Theres just something about playing in the mud that is therapeutic...either that or maybe I've just reached middle age a little sooner than normal.
The garden grew a little bit over the weekend...we now have:
9 Tomato plants of various varieties (Goliath, Early Girl's, Husky Cherries, Parker's Whoppers)
4 Zucchini
4 Squash
15 Green beans
10 Sugar snap peas
10 Sweet peas
10 Okras

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Making Donuts

Today (yes! I finally am posting the same day I took the pictures!!), the girls and I made donuts. Real cake donuts from scratch! It was very fun. I was impressed by how well it worked. We made the dough and had to let it chill in the frige for 2 hours - just in time for the girls' quiet times. Once they were well rested we rolled out the dough and started cutting. Praise the Lord for donut cutters! Once we cut them, I fried them, then we dipped 'em in cinnamon and sugar. YUMMY!! We even got donut holes out of the deal. WOO HOO!

The flash from the camera is too bright, but Katie has flour all over her face.

The finished product!
They were very easy, Spence loved them, and the girls had fun playing in the flour! Me, I enjoyed the challenge of frying and actually succeeding. Wish you all can enjoy them too!

Chocolate Icing for Breakfast

So Daddy fixed Katie breakfast on Thursday, the 13th. This is what she got . . .

A bagel with chocolate frosting on it!!

Play Group with the Girls

Last Wednesday, the 12th, we hosted our play group. In an effort to keep the apartment from being flipped upside down by 6 little girls, we played with shaving creme. They had a blast and I managed to stay calm with the mess. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring Ballet Recital

Tuesday night was the girls' ballet recital. Such a fun night for us! Maddie and Katie were so excited. Me - well, we got to the chapel and out of the four slippers in my bag I couldn't find one. One slipper!! "What in the world!" (That's Maddie's newest phrase.). After looking around where the girls and I were sitting, I went sprinting back to the apartment following the same path I took only to get back to my bag in the chapel and find it sitting under the seat. Of course, it had to be there the whole time! Shortly after we solved that problem it was time to pray (the picture below - our girls are the two sitting to the right of the teacher), stretching and they were off to dance!

They did a great job. Katie's group was the cutest because they were the youngest. Maddie's group did an awesome job for being their second semester and recital. I'm excited for them to get older to see which one takes to which interest. Will they both pursue ballet, what sport will they want to play, will they want to play an instrument? It's so fun to think about the possibilities out there for them!

I posted little 10 second videos for each dance below. After the recital we ate pizza with the Bennett's and the Earman's who live in our building. Thier girls were also in the recital. We've had a fun semester of enjoying ballet together!

Spring Ballet Recital - Maddie

Here's a clip from Maddie's recital. She's at the end but it will take a second to see her once the little blonde girl moves.

Spring Ballet Recitals - Katie

Here's a short clip from Katie's dance. She's in the middle of the picture, 4th from the left, on the back row.

Katie's Art

A couple of weeks ago (yes, a couple of weeks ago, some day I may be quicker on my updates!) I left Katie at the table with some paper and crayons and when I came back this is what she made:

Up until now it's been all scribbles. I guess with all the stuff she sees Maddie doing she's got to keep up! She's even been writing her name. She does have a little advantage, it's all lines and no curves. All that to say - we're pretty impressed with our 3 year old! Way to go, Katie!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

What a beautiful day! Sundays are the best day to celebrate being a Mom. It's the day of rest, a day to put life's craziness-es aside and be together as a family. Our girls are amazing - so full of life and giggles. What more can a Mom ask for!

Our Garden

Our back patio has all this dirt space that we decided to put a garden in. Spence and the girls have planted tomatoes, squash, zucchini, okra, green beans, and peas. It's a daily event to go out and check on them to see how much they've grown.


Swinging Giggles

Just a quick video of the girls swinging on a swing at Grammy and Grandaddy's. I love hearing my girls giggle. It's the sweetest sound and one I wish will never change!


New Bathing Suits!

What an exciting morning . . . new bathing suits . . . picked to suit!
The girls are doing some ballet move too, but I can't remember which one. Ooops!

Quick Trip to the Black River

A few weeks ago, Spence lead a Bible study in Jonesboro for one of our Pastor's at IPC. That night we spent the night at the huntin' cabin since it was close by. The girls were thrilled!

They got to pick out which bed to sleep in . . . .
Hmmmmm . . . . such a decision.

The next morning we headed out to play before we headed back to St. Louis.

We took a ride on the huntin' boat. The girls got to help daddy drive and then they got to throw a couple of duck decoys in. (I forgot, we had to take the babies with us!)