Saturday, April 3, 2010

It's Been A Long Time . . . .

As you can see I have not been the most diligent at posting pictures to our blog. I guess part of it is because we've been busy. Just plain old busy!

Since Maddie's ballet recital at the beginning of December we have finished our first full semester, enjoyed Christmas with both sides of our family, rang in the New Year, Katie turned 3, enjoyed a nice long break in Memphis over January, started our Spring Semester in February, Maddie started back to ballet along with Katie, Spence celebrated his 28th birthday, got ourselves to Spring Break in Memphis and now we're headed to Cleveland to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord!

Our weeks start off crazy, Monday is our catch up day from the weekend and Tuesday is our long day. Spence starts the day running with class at 8:30 a.m. and ends it in class at 9 p.m. Maddie has preschool in the morning, while Katie and I stay home and take care of our neighbors' little boy. Once we pick Maddie up, we eat lunch, the girls have their quiet time followed by some play time and then off to ballet during the hour that Daddy is home which wonderfully lands over dinner time.

Spence has had tons of reading this semester. Lots of books!! Me - I've been working on discipling myself to exercise which inadvertently causes me to make better choices with the food I put in my mouth. (I needed help with that! Who knew God would give me the grace to exercise which would then give me the grace to eat better! Amazing!) I'm also working on finding time in my day to spend having my own quiet time with the Lord. Trying to plan my days out with those two things and all the other obstacles a Mom has is challenging, but that's where grace comes in at. If I can exercise, great . . . if I can work on my Bible study, even better . . . if I can't it's ok! God still loves me and I can sweat tomorrow!

The girls - well, they are just crazy and busy as ever! Ready for the warm weather and to play on our patio. We spent a day working on the rather huge flower bed we have, trying to make it a more productive place for us. We made part of it a garden, added some bricks to put our grill on, and made a place for the girls picnic table. Now the actual patio is open for the girls to ride their bikes, chalk, and play with their water table. They are very excited!!

I posted pictures from the last 4 months of our lives. It starts with Christmas and goes thru now except I posted Maddie's choir from Palm Sunday last so it would be first. I had to show off my 4 year old!

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