Monday, March 29, 2010

Christmas Time!

During the Christmas Season we did lots of fun things . . .

Here are the girls in their dresses.

The girls taught their friends and babies all about Baby Jesus's Birthday.

Maddie got to help wrap Daddy's presents. She did a great job and was a huge help!

Maddie got to sing in the children's Christmas pageant at church. She's the pink shirt in the middle looking behind her.
We made cards out of glitter and cookie cutters for our cousins. (Thanks Emilee and Caroline for the great idea!)

The girls also got to decorate a lot of cookies and in this picture they are dipping pretzel sticks in chocolate and then in sprinkles. They had lots of fun and I survived the mess.

We celebrated Christmas just the four of us the day before Christmas Eve. Santa even came the night before as a special request. And people wonder how Santa makes it to every child's home in one night! Our day was filled with opening presents, eating lots of food, hanging out and watching our new movies (Tinker Bell and Mary Poppins).

Here was our special little tree - I picked it up on clearance at Target the year before for $5 after Christmas was over. It only fell over a couple of times but I eventually figured out how to prop it up. It's always fun to see all the presents wrapped and placed under the tree. It was sad as the morning went on, the presents got pulled from the tree to be opened by the girls and then the rest to be divided into family stacks.

The girls love their baby dolls and new accessories are always a winner.

For Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we went to Memphis to spend Eve with the Garey side of the family and Day with Grammy, Grandaddy, Aunt Holley and Uncle Luke and Rob.

Baby Jesus is Born!

Aunt Holley and Uncle Luke
Here is a picture of Uncle Luke tidying up . . .

Grammy opening up her special present from Maddie.

The day after Christmas we headed up to Cleveland to have Christmas with Mammy and Popo.
First we opened presents with my parents and my brother and sister-in-law.

Uncle Rob

We made a big, fun mess! Can't get any better than that!

Then we had our Christmas with the Kisses. These are most of my cousins.

The girls enjoyed our first real snow fall of the season at my parents' house. The snowman later got ran over.

Can't forget the snow angels.

Attempt at Snowman #2. The girls loved the snow. Having grown up in it, I can live without. I feel bad saying this, but I'm glad we missed all of the other snowfalls that came across the country this winter. It seemed like no matter where the snow fell, StL or Memphis, we would leave before it came. There will be more next year!

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